Combat Deaths versus Maternal Deaths, USA, 1900-2019

Calculations by Valerie M. Hudson, August 2021

COMBAT DEATHS were sourced from Wikipedia at
and are given per conflict, rather than per year. However, Wikipedia delimits each conflict to a range of years.


Note: Maternal Mortality is given as a rate per 100,000 live births. That means that both the maternal mortality rate and the number of live births were necessary to source in order to calculate an estimate of how many women died each year. Because the maternal mortality rate is given per 100,000 births, births must undergo a unit conversion. So, for example, 2.5 million births is converted to 25 100,000 births before multiplying by the MM rate. The basic calculation, then is the MM rate times the number of 100,000 births, yielding the estimate of the actual number of women who died in a given year.

The operational definition of Maternal Mortality Rate is:
"The maternal mortality ratio is the number of women who die from pregnancy-related causes while pregnant or within 42 days of pregnancy termination per 100,000 live births."

1900   850 MMR (MMR from
            estimate by me is 2.5 million births, so that is 850x25=        21,250 women died
1901    800      estimate by me 2.53 million births, so 800x25.3 =    20,240 women died
1902    740      estimate by me 2.56, so 740x25.6=    18,944
1903    700      estimate by me 2.59, so 18,130
1904    790      estimate by me 2.62, so 20,698
1905    800      estimate by me 2.65, 21,200
1906    710      estimate by me 2.68, 19,028
1907    720      estimate by me 2.71, 19,512
1908    670      estimate by me 2.71, 18,157
1909    700      2.72 million births (Births from     19,040 women died

1910    690      2.77 mill, 19,113
1911    700      2.8 m, 19,600
1912    650      2.84, 18,460
1913    680      2.86, 19,448
1914    710      2.98, 21,158
1915    608      2.96, 17,997
1916    622      2.96, 18,411
1917    662      2.94, 19,463
1918    916      2.95, 27,022
1919    737      2.74, 20,194
1920    799      2.95, 23,571
1921    682      3.05, 20,801
1922    664      2.88, 19,123
1923    665      2.91, 19,352
1924    656      2.98, 19,549
1925    647      2.91, 18,828
1926    656      2.84, 18,630
1927    647      2.8, 18,116
1928    692      2.67, 18,476
1929    695      2.58, 17,931
1930    673      2.62, 17,633
1931    661      2.51, 16,591
1932    633      2.44, 15,445
1933    619      2.31, 14,299
1934    593      2.39, 14,173
1935    582      2.38, 13,852
1936    568      2.35, 13,348
1937    489      2.41, 11,785
1938    435      2.49, 10,832
1939    404      2.47, 9979
1940    376      2.56, 9626
1941    317      2.7, 8559
1942    259      2.99, 7744
1943    245      3.1, 7595
1944    228      2.94, 6703
1945    207      2.85, 5900
1946    157      3.41, 5354
1947    135      3.82, 5157
1948    117      3.64, 4259
1949    90        3.65, 3285
1950    83        3.63, 3013
1951    75        3.82, 2865
1952    68        3.91, 2659
1953    61        3.96, 2416
1954    52.4     4.1, 2148
1955    47        4.1, 1927
1956    40.9     4.21, 1722
1957    41        4.3, 1763
1958    37.6     4.25, 1598
1959    37.4     4.24, 1586
1960    37.1     4.26, 1580
1961    36.9     4.27, 1576
1962    35.2     4.17, 1468
1963    35.8     4.1, 1468
1964    33.3     4.03, 1342
1965    31.6     3.76, 1188
1966    29.1     3.6, 1048
1967    28        3.52, 986
1968    24.5     3.5, 858
1969    22.2     3.6, 799
1970    20.8     3.73, 776
1971    19.7     3.56, 701
1972    17.6     3.26, 574
1973    16.2     3.14, 509
1974    14.2     3.16, 449
1975    13.2     3.14, 414
1976    12.4     3.17, 393
1977    11.4     3.32, 378
1978    10.5     3.33, 350
1979    10.5     3.49, 366
1980    14.1  3.61, 509            (,14.1%20per%20100%2C000%20live%20births.

1981    14.1 (“)            3.63, 512
1982    14.1 (“)            3.68, 519
1983    14.1 (“)            3.64, 513
1984    14.1 (“)            3.67, 517
1985    14.1 (“)            3.76, 530
1986    assume 10                   3.75, 375
1987    7.2  (MMR from                3.81 million births, 274 women died
1988    9.4                   3.91, 368
1989    9.8 (CDC)         4.04, 396
1990    10 (CDC)          4.16 (Births from , 416
1991    10.3 (CDC)       4.11, 423
1992    10.8 (CDC)       4.07, 440
1993    11.1 (CDC)       4, 444
1994    12.9 (CDC)       3.95, 510
1995    11.3 (CDC)       3.9, 441
1996    11.3 (CDC)       3.89, 440
1997    12.9 (CDC)       3.88, 501
1998    12 (CDC)          3.94, 473
1999    13.2 (CDC)       3.96, 523
2000    14.5 (CDC)       4.06, 589
2001    14.7 (CDC)       4.03, 592
2002    14.1 (CDC)       4.02, 567
2003    16.8 (CDC)       4.09, 687
2004    15.2 (CDC)       4.11, 625
2005    15.4 (CDC)       4.14, 638
2006    15.7 (CDC)       4.27, 670
2007    14.5 (CDC)       4.32, 626
2008    15.5 (CDC)       4.25, 659
2009    17.8 (CDC)       4.13, 735
2010    16.7 (CDC)       4 million (Births from , 668

2011    17.8 (CDC)       3.95, 703
2012    15.9 (CDC)       3.95, 628
2013    17.3 (CDC)       3.93, 680
2014    18 (CDC)          3.99, 718
2015    17.2 (CDC)       3.98, 685
2016    16.9 (CDC)       3.95, 668
2017    17.3 (CDC)       3.86, 668
2018    17.4 (MMR from CDC:             3.79, 659
2019    20.1 (MMR from CDC:           3.75, 754


Summary Calculations

1900-1946: Estimated 780,860 women died in childbirth
            Combat deaths: 345,413

1900-1953: Estimated 804,514 women died in childbirth
            Combat deaths: 379,114

1947-1999: Estimated 60,745 women died in childbirth
            Combat deaths: 81,796

1954-1999: Estimated 37,091 women died in childbirth
            Combat deaths: 48,095

2000-2015: Estimated: 10,470 women died in childbirth
            Combat deaths: 5669

2000-2019: Estimated: 13,219 women died in childbirth
            Combat deaths: 5686


1900-2019: Estimated 854,824 women died in childbirth
            Combat deaths: 432,895