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women in the world.

Latest items for ABO-PRACTICE-1

Oct. 22, 2024, 11 a.m.
Countries: Australia
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"In one recent case, a woman had been sent back to India by her husband and told to have an abortion after he learnt she was pregnant. He demanded a large sum of money for her to return to Australia. 'She got to India, where she got a call from his father in a nearby village to say if you give me 10 million rupees (about $183,000) my son will sponsor you back again – because he had withdrawn the sponsorship in the meantime,' O’Connor, a dowry abuse expert, said. 'She had already aborted the baby and was suffering from so much grief and distress'" (para 8-10).
Oct. 22, 2024, 10:59 a.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"In a similar case in 2021, the official said, the Supreme Court upheld a murder conviction for a doctor who performed an abortion procedure in 2019 to terminate a 34-week-old fetus who was obviously alive and crying" (para 4). "But it won’t happen any time soon, said a government official who declined to be named. In addition to administrative complexity regarding the approval process, politics will likely slow it further, given the sensitivity of the issue, the official added. When the issue came to light following the court ruling, many religious groups vehemently protested the decision and increased political pressure on the authorities, a major factor behind the Assembly’s inaction...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"In 2009, a proposal was submitted by Catholic Bishops, the Evangelical Association, Jubilee Ministries and Voices for Life, a Belizean pro-life organization, requesting the removal of all exceptions to the criminalization of abortion. The proposal further recommended reinstating the Offences Against Person Act instituted by the colonial government in 1861. Consequently, in 2009, a National Working Group was established as part of WIN-Belize’s advocacy program to present a position paper. The group counteracted the position, stating that the 1861 Act should not be reinstated as it would constitute serious and deleterious effects on women's rights, human rights, women's morbidity and mortality, and sexual and reproductive health and rights in Belize....more
April 19, 2024, 3:06 p.m.
Countries: Serbia
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"[A]bortion [is continually being used] as a contraceptive method, in particular among women over 40 years of age" (14).
March 30, 2024, 2:46 p.m.
Countries: Lithuania
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"[T]he termination of pregnancy [is not regulated] by legislation, rather [by] ministerial regulations" (12).
Feb. 20, 2024, 6:27 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"[A]bortion [is not legalized] in cases of rape, incest, severe fetal impairment and risk to the health or life of the pregnant woman[. Women do not have] access to high-quality post-abortion care, especially for cases in which complications arise from unsafe abortions, in line with the Maputo Protocol" (12).
Jan. 31, 2024, 12:37 p.m.
Countries: Poland
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"Even though the underage girl was clearly a victim of abuse, two separate hospitals in her region of Podlasie refused to treat her or even tell her where she could receive a legal abortion, a violation of the law. The girl, who did not understand she was pregnant, was taken by her aunt to doctors who treated them 'brutally and inhumanely', she claimed.The aunt had even provided documents from a prosecutor saying an alleged rape had occurred and an abortion would be lawful, but doctors still turned them away). (para 4-6). "A health ministry spokesman has confirmed that local hospitals failed to comply with the law and a probe has...more
Jan. 19, 2024, 12:06 p.m.
Countries: Central African Rep
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"[The] national health development plan (2006–2015) and the health sector transition plan (2015–2017) [have] several actions to support women... [These actions include p]roviding free induced abortions" (37).
Dec. 5, 2023, 11:18 a.m.
Countries: China
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"Forced abortions, sterilisations, the use of intrauterine contraceptive devices as well as hefty financial penalties left physical and emotional scars on millions of women" (pp 6). "[There are] policy directives to discourage abortions" (pp 20).
Nov. 21, 2023, 5:58 p.m.
Countries: China

"'I fear that in the short term, China will follow other countries and restrict women’s access to abortion and contraception as a way to force women to have more children. Ultimately, these policies will backfire and fail, but they could increase repression and crackdowns on feminist politics,' Gallagher said" (para. 24).
Nov. 2, 2023, 2:18 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

“A 45-year-old mother from Rome, Meloni is deeply conservative, openly anti-LBGT, and has threatened to place same-sex unions, which were legalized in Italy in 2016, under review. She has also called abortion a ‘tragedy,' raising fears for the future of women’s rights in the country”(para 10).
Oct. 10, 2023, 3:49 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"The national lack of abortion access is also an emergency, where many are being denied abortion care and are forced to carry pregnancies to term" (para 20). Denial of abortion may indicate negative societal perception of abortion (ET - CODER COMMENT).
Oct. 4, 2023, 6:58 a.m.
Countries: Angola
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"[A]bortion [is criminalized] in certain cases, subjecting both the woman having an abortion and any person assisting her to criminal liability[.] Barriers to access to abortion in the limited cases in which abortion is not criminalized, such as that of the pregnancy gravely endangering the pregnant woman’s physical or psychological integrity or life, the fetus being certified to be non-viable and the pregnancy resulting from rape or incest" (12).
Sept. 30, 2023, 4 p.m.
Countries: Kazakhstan

"The Committee notes the 2014 amendments to the law on domestic violence of 2009 that provide for restraining and protection orders and social assistance to victims of domestic violence. It also takes note of the State party’s intention to adopt the bill on countering domestic violence and to ratify the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. However, the Committee notes with concern the following: The subjection of women with disabilities, in particular those living in institutions, to forced sterilization and forced abortion, police violence against women in prostitution, the mandatory gender reassignment surgery for transgender women for the purpose of legal gender...more
Sept. 26, 2023, 10:48 a.m.
Countries: Spain
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"'Menstrual leave' is one of the key measures in the broader legislation, which also provides for increased access to abortion in public hospitals. Less than 15 per cent of abortions performed in the country take place in these institutions, mainly because of conscientious objections by doctors. It is also to allow minors to have abortions without parental permission at 16 and 17 years of age, reversing a requirement introduced by a previous conservative government in 2015" (para 9, 10). "Abortion was decriminalized in Spain in 1985 and then legalized in 2010, but abortion remains a right fraught with difficulties in this country with a strong Catholic tradition" (para 11).more
Sept. 25, 2023, 10:51 a.m.
Countries: Turkmenistan

"Patriarchal culture, harmful traditions, government inaction and absence of public education and communication drive awareness of reproductive and sexual health underground. The public in Turkmenistan see abortion as something deeply immoral so women prefer to keep silent. This also applies to the endemic domestic violence in the country. Women and girls are taught that it is a private matter that should not be discussed in public but heroically endured in silence" (para.10).
Sept. 18, 2023, 2 a.m.
Countries: Bhutan

" Attitudes toward abortion may be traced to the tenets of the Buddhist religion, which has otherwise played a key role in many facets of gender parity, given that its tradition and values view men and women as equal. Regarding participation in the public sphere, two factors are broadly to blame, the first being a historical lack of education for women. In the 1950s and ’60s, when Bhutan began to prioritize national development and education, more boys than girls were sent to India for formal learning—a disparity that stemmed not from gender discrimination but rather from fears about girls’ safety during the long journey to school" (para.5).more
Sept. 18, 2023, 2 a.m.
Countries: Bhutan

" Attitudes toward abortion may be traced to the tenets of the Buddhist religion, which has otherwise played a key role in many facets of gender parity, given that its tradition and values view men and women as equal. Regarding participation in the public sphere, two factors are broadly to blame, the first being a historical lack of education for women. In the 1950s and ’60s, when Bhutan began to prioritize national development and education, more boys than girls were sent to India for formal learning—a disparity that stemmed not from gender discrimination but rather from fears about girls’ safety during the long journey to school" (para.5).more
Aug. 24, 2023, 1:08 a.m.
Countries: Cape Verde
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"[A]bortion and post-abortion care services are not available free of charge… [G]irl[s] [and] wom[e]n faces obstacles in acquiring access to safe legal abortion services" (11).
July 21, 2023, 11:58 a.m.
Countries: Azerbaijan
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"To reduce the cases of termination of unwanted pregnancy, it is important to use and list the medicine that do not harm the body of a woman (and particular, the representatives of the groups in need of social protection and the groups of risks" (27).
June 18, 2023, 9:21 a.m.
Countries: Malta
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"Activists tie banners to the fence outside the a court in Valletta, Malta, last week, on the day the Women’s Rights Foundation filed a judicial protest on behalf of 188 women, saying the ban on abortion breached their human rights" (Para.5). "[E]lle didn’t have to have an illegal abortion in Malta. She travelled with her mother to the UK, and took her pills there, under the supervision of a British clinic – and in this sense, she feels she was lucky (most women dare not risk talking to their mothers, and go through the entire experience alone)" (Para.7). "In Malta, a person who supports a woman who is having an...more
June 12, 2023, 7:42 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"Moroccan women demonstrated outside parliament in the capital, Rabat, yesterday calling for abortion to be legalised" (Para.1).
May 11, 2023, 10:35 p.m.
Countries: Spain
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"Abortion, available on demand up to 14 weeks into a pregnancy, remains a divisive issue in majority Catholic Spain..." (Para. 10)
April 19, 2023, 4:16 p.m.
Countries: El Salvador
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"Beatriz’s case has been taken up by feminist organizations in El Salvador and across the region who hope it could create legal changes in access to sexual and reproductive rights, including abortion, in Latin America." (para 5).
March 31, 2023, 2:31 p.m.
Countries: Egypt
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"[A]bortion continues to be criminalized in the State party, except to save the life of the woman" (11).
March 4, 2023, 8:13 a.m.
Countries: Canada
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"The right to choose whether or not to carry a pregnancy to term still exists in Quebec and Canada. But the spectre of Roe v. Wade, the 50-year-old decision legalizing abortion, being imminently overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court weighs heavily" (Para. 11).
Feb. 18, 2023, 10:52 a.m.
Countries: Poland
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"Poland — It was shortly before 11 p.m. when Izabela Sajbor realized the doctors were prepared to let her die.Her doctor had already told her that her fetus had severe abnormalities and would almost certainly die in the womb. If it made it to term, life expectancy was a year, at most. At 22 weeks pregnant, Ms. Sajbor had been admitted to a hospital after her water broke prematurely. She knew that there was a short window to induce birth or surgically remove the fetus to avert infection and potentially fatal sepsis. But even as she developed a fever, vomited and convulsed on the floor, it seemed to be the...more
Feb. 18, 2023, 10:31 a.m.
Countries: Philippines
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"Shortly before a courier arrived, Anna*, a scared, pregnant young woman from the Philippines, had received instructions on Facebook from the seller about how to proceed when she received her packet of medication containing cytotec, cortal and tablets to prevent bleeding.She should fast for the day. She must not eat rice but just snack on crackers and drink cola. Anna paid 1,000 pesos (£15) upfront, with a second 1,000 peso due if the abortion was successful." (Para.1-2). CC-LA(due to strict abortion laws women are not able to receive proper health care if they decide to have an abortion hence resorting to unsafe methods of accessing abortion pills such as internet-Facebook)...more
Feb. 18, 2023, 9:55 a.m.
Countries: Japan
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"With the U.S. Supreme Court poised to overturn a 1973 ruling that legalized abortion nationwide, there is a global spotlight on reproductive care — including in Japan, which has some of the tightest restrictions on abortion among wealthy nations" (Para.4). "Japan is one of 11 countries — and the only one of the Group of Seven largest economies — that mandate women to get their spouse’s consent to obtain an abortion, with very few exceptions, according to the Center for Reproductive Rights, an international organization. In practice, advocates say, the requirement often applies to unmarried women, too, and has led to rare and tragic instances of women leaving their babies...more
Feb. 5, 2023, 9:19 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1

"Several women told me about their abortion experiences in Turkey’s health care system. (I’ve changed their names to protect their identities.) Elif, a school therapist, discovered her pregnancy in 2015 when the embryo was 4 weeks old. She phoned 10 clinics, and three said they performed abortions. She told only a few friends about the procedure: 'It would be like drinking alcohol or committing adultery for a woman with a headscarf to have an abortion,' she recalled thinking. When she went to the clinic with her husband, 'they looked at us weirdly and copied our identity cards and wedding certificate, which was demeaning.' She had to act quickly; even if...more