The most comprehensive compilation of information on the status of
women in the world.

Latest items for ATFPA-PRACTICE-2

Jan. 28, 2024, 6:55 p.m.
Countries: Cote D'Ivoire

"'I even have great-grandchildren – imagine becoming a mother three times over. First, you have your own children, then when you expect your children to look after you, they have children and you become a grandmother who is left with all the duties the mother would normally take care of, and if that isn’t enough, I am now doing it all over again for my great-grandchildren – mothering them. She says the same thing many of the grandmothers say: My retirement will come the day I’m buried'"(para 10-12). This quote shows how easy it is for parents to make the decision to abandon thier children and how small emphasis is...more
Jan. 21, 2024, 10:43 a.m.
Countries: Saudi Arabia

"He also removed some of the legal enforcements of the dreaded guardianship system, which consigned every Saudi woman to the near total control of a male family member" (para 6) "The recent reforms mean that if a woman has been born or married into a clan of freethinking men willing to let her do things, the state will not interfere. But for the many Saudi women who lack a benevolent male guardian, there is no remedy. If, for example, a woman’s husband or father doesn’t think she should get her driving license, she is still compelled to obey his dictate. In other words, according to Saudi legal experts I consulted,...more
Jan. 16, 2024, 6:33 p.m.
Countries: Botswana

"The GBV Indicators Study [of 2012] indicated that 83% of women and 82% of men respondents agree that men and women should be treated equally. Even though higher proportions of women and men in this study agree to the concept of gender equality, they further contradicted themselves (especially men) in their views on issues that are supposed to reflect this equality. Such views include agreeing that women must obey their husbands; that a wife needs the permission of her husband to pursue paid work; and that a man should have the final say in all family matters. These findings reflect that although gender equality in the public domain is widely...more
Dec. 15, 2023, 2 p.m.
Countries: Djibouti

"WFP programme monitoring assessed changes in decision-making by women and men at the household level. In 2021, the proportion of women making decisions on the use of food and cash assistance received through FFA activities was 55 percent, compared to 64 percent in 2020. The result reflected that gender inequalities continue to inhibit women from effective participation and decision-making in the public and private [sphere]" (19).
Sept. 28, 2023, 10:10 a.m.
Countries: Bahamas

"[B]y the time they reached high school, students had already learned that the man should be the head of the household, a woman must submit to her husband, and that a woman’s place was in the home" (2). "The attitudes of both the males and female respondents towards gender roles show similar rank orders (see Table 2). The attitudes of both the males and female respondents towards gender roles show similar rank orders (see Table 2). There was more agreement that a man/husband should be the head of the household, and less agreement that a woman’s place is in the home" (5). "While most respondents had learned from faith-based teachings...more
Sept. 25, 2023, 10:51 a.m.
Countries: Turkmenistan

"Patriarchal culture, harmful traditions, government inaction and absence of public education and communication drive awareness of reproductive and sexual health underground. The public in Turkmenistan see abortion as something deeply immoral so women prefer to keep silent. This also applies to the endemic domestic violence in the country. Women and girls are taught that it is a private matter that should not be discussed in public but heroically endured in silence" (para.10).
Sept. 12, 2023, 11:48 a.m.
Countries: China

" 'The Communist Party aggressively perpetuates traditional gender norms and reduces women to their roles as reproductive tools for the state, dutiful wives, mothers and baby breeders in the home,' Leta Hong Fincher, a Hong Kong-American writer, wrote in the Washington Post. 'The party also is carrying out an unprecedented crackdown on feminist activists because China's all-male rulers seem to think that China's entire security state would collapse were it not for the subjugation of women' " (para 8-9). " 'The gender stereotypes or the historical traditional norms are still there today very much,' Valarie Tan, an analyst at the Mercator Institute for China Studies in Germany, told Al Jazeera....more
Sept. 7, 2023, 12:33 p.m.
Countries: Lebanon

"[Zoya] Rouhana [of NGO Kafa] said that, in some cases, 'the religious laws discriminate against women and put them into subordinate positions, asking the women to obey their husbands' " (para 29).
Aug. 24, 2023, 1:08 a.m.
Countries: Cape Verde

"[T]he persistence of deeply entrenched traditional patriarchal attitudes and discriminatory stereotypes [] continue to be a root cause of the denial of full equality to women in the State party" (5). "[P]atriarchal attitudes, impede migrant women from enjoying their rights" (14).
July 30, 2023, 5:25 a.m.
Countries: Saudi Arabia

"He also removed some of the legal enforcements of the dreaded guardianship system, which consigned every Saudi woman to the near total control of a male family member. " (Parag. 6) "The recent reforms [of 2022] mean that if a woman has been born or married into a clan of freethinking men willing to let her do things, the state will not interfere. But for the many Saudi women who lack a benevolent male guardian, there is no remedy. If, for example, a woman’s husband or father doesn’t think she should get her driving license, she is still compelled to obey his dictate. The government will no longer legally force...more
July 25, 2023, 10:44 a.m.
Countries: Cambodia

"[There is a] persistence of discriminatory stereotypes about the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family and in society, which are deeply rooted in Cambodian culture and continue to perpetuate gender inequality by normalizing male superiority and promoting women’s passivity and compliance. It is concerned that such gender stereotypes, as reflected in the Chbab Srey and the Chbab Prohh, the traditional codes of conduct for women and men, respectively, legitimize gender-based violence against women" (7). The Cambodian culture contains patriarchal attitudes (MV- coder comment).
July 14, 2023, 2:45 p.m.
Countries: Hungary

"Another important housing difference between cohabiting and married couples is that married couples are usually joint homeowners. If a married person buys a house or an apartment during the marriage, half of the property automatically belongs to his or her spouse (as opposed to cases when one of the spouses inherited the home or if one partner bought it before getting married). Therefore, in case of a divorce, the former spouses have to sell the house or one partner has to buy the share of the other" (9).
July 13, 2023, 2:02 p.m.
Countries: Oman

"In a country where traditional values are fast changing, statistics from the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs show 67 percent of all divorces were initiated by women last year. For 36-year-old Fatma al-Hammadi, marriage has limited value if the husband controls all aspects of marital life. She walked out of her eight-year marriage in October last year. 'Marriage is supposed to be an equal partnership where both the woman and her husband plan out their lives together. It is not a marriage if the man dictates all the terms in your life and forces you to play by his rules,' Fatma, a banker in a senior position, told Al...more
July 13, 2023, 11:58 a.m.
Countries: Netherlands

"Household differentiation with respect to syncratic, male- or female dominance, and autonomous decision-making and financial management styles offers valuable insights. The syncratic financial management style is prevalent among 77.9% of Dutch households. If partners do not pool their income, it is likely that these households employ a male-dominant financial management style. However, if the female partner has more financial knowledge than her partner, it is likely that the household employs a female-dominant financial management style. If partners have no partnership arrangement, differ in age and/or in financial knowledge, and/or do not pool their income, it is likely that these households employ an autonomous financial management style. A tentative conclusion might...more
July 12, 2023, 10:28 p.m.
Countries: Saudi Arabia

"He also removed some of the legal enforcements of the dreaded guardianship system, which consigned every Saudi woman to the near total control of a male family member. " (Parag. 6) "The recent reforms [of 2022] mean that if a woman has been born or married into a clan of freethinking men willing to let her do things, the state will not interfere. But for the many Saudi women who lack a benevolent male guardian, there is no remedy. If, for example, a woman’s husband or father doesn’t think she should get her driving license, she is still compelled to obey his dictate. The government will no longer legally force...more
July 10, 2023, 9:26 p.m.
Countries: Maldives

"This backlash is captured in the 2011 Baseline Survey, whereby in the 2005 Baseline Survey, nearly 85% of men strongly agreed, or agreed, that women should have equal rights in family matters, and in 2011 this reduced to 67.3%. Women’s perception of their own equality also dropped within that time frame, from 85.9% in 2005 to 80.7% in 2011 believing in this." (12).
June 29, 2023, 10:21 a.m.
Countries: Hungary

"There is no specific legal provision or policy providing for the joint land titling for land used or acquired by married couples or couples in informal unions. There is no information to suggest that women’s rights are challenged in the context of land titling in Hungary" (10).
June 28, 2023, 6:54 p.m.
Countries: Macedonia

"According to rights activists, this makes Albanian women economically dependent on their husbands, making it difficult to break off an unhappy or violent marriage and start a new life" (para 9).
June 21, 2023, 5:09 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala

"Guatemala is patriarchal and the most gender unequal country in Latin America. Its traditional gender roles revolve around machismo, caballerismo, and marianismo. This means that in Guatemalan families, men are generally the strong, aggressive head of the family and provider, while women are the moral core of the family and handle the majority of household work and childcare" (para 5). With a patriarchal family structure, it is unlikely that women have an equal say in management of family assets (JLR-CODER COMMENT).
June 21, 2023, 2:06 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela

"The default marital regime is Partial Community of property (Civil Code, Arts 148-156) and both partners must agree in the administration of marital property. However, in the countryside, the husband is by tradition the head of the household and the administrator of his wife's property... The law provides for joint land titling for land used or acquired by married couples. However, this provision is not applicable to couples living in informal unions. Informal unions are very common in the countryside and many problems have arisen due to the silence of the law on this matter" (7).
June 20, 2023, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: El Salvador

"The Women’s City Programme is, by law, part of the National System of Development and Social Protection. It provides comprehensive support to women through specialized services with the aim of improving their quality of life. It seeks to empower women to exercise their rights, participate actively in decision-making, achieve financial independence and live in an environment free of gender-based violence and discrimination" (25).
June 20, 2023, 2:36 p.m.
Countries: Dominican Republic

"Gender norms, roles, and behaviors are rigid in the DR. Masculinity is associated with control, independence, no displays of emotion, wealth, and the provision of material goods. In contrast, femininity is associated with caregiving, submission, and aspirations for marriage and motherhood. Machismo is a significant barrier to gender equality and women’s and girl’s empowerment. Social norms frequently result in women and girls absorbing the majority of care responsibilities, impacting their time and putting them at greater risk of COVID-19 infection. GBV is prevalent throughout Dominican society. Several factors drive it, including negative gender roles that foster inequality and abuse of power, poverty, racism, and discrimination" (10). "Cultural norms shape gender...more
June 20, 2023, 11:24 a.m.
Countries: Italy

"According to the 2019 CONSOB Observatory, men remain the lead financial decision-makers, although in the vast majority of the cases they share their choices with either the partner or other relatives" (10). "[W]hen married the vast majority of financial decision-makers share their choices with their partner" (20).
June 20, 2023, 10:59 a.m.
Countries: Vanuatu

"In regard to women’s economic empowerment, over half of women who make an income and live with a man earn about the same or more than their husband or partner; however, less than one in five has savings in the bank, and few women own any major assets on their own. In fact, more than 1 in 5 women had their earnings taken away by their husband or partner, who also has the ability to disrupt, or forbid, their female’s work" (para 5).
June 19, 2023, 12:08 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan

"Despite the initial gender equality of land distribution, traditional practices and women’s low legal literacy emerged as major contributors to the decline in women’s land rights. Land is viewed as an important family asset and is controlled by male family members. There are longstanding beliefs, which are shared by women, that men should hold and manage land because they are responsible for providing for the family. Upon marriage, women typically leave their family lands to their father or brothers and access land through her husband’s family. Further reductions in women owned land is due to inheritance practices to leave land only to sons. Women are also subject to losing land...more
June 19, 2023, 11:28 a.m.
Countries: Kuwait

"Thus, the space of work and politics tends to be male-dominated, while the domestic space of the home, and especially the kitchen, tends to be female-dominated. Even the spaces in the home that are male-spaces are still very social and public in nature" (9). "[B]oth boys and girls believe their mother does the most work, stays home more, and takes care of the kitchen. In contrast, both boys and girls agree that their father makes the most money, is the leader, goes out more, and is the one they are most afraid of punishing them. Results were mixed regarding who takes care of them, who protects them, who is the...more
June 17, 2023, 11:27 a.m.
Countries: Uzbekistan

"Regarding household responsibilities, article 2 of the Family Code of Uzbekistan outlines that women and men in marriage shall have equality of personal and property rights as well as a mutual consent in decision-making" (3). "Despite legislation codifying equality within the household, it appears that that there is a divergence between the law and customary practise... men are most often considered the de facto head of the household. This may impact women’s ability to access land when land is deeded solely to the head of household, most likely the husband or father" (3).
June 12, 2023, 9:08 a.m.
Countries: Turkmenistan

"By law women have full legal equality with men, including equal pay, access to loans, the ability to start and own a business, and access to government jobs. Nevertheless, women continued to experience discrimination due to cultural biases, and the government did not enforce the law effectively" (20). "In August a new survey, entitled Health and Status of a Woman in the Family, noted the prevalence of economic violence among women who are married or in a relationship and have their own income in three regions (Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary Velayats) was higher than the national average. The data show that the respondents often faced a situation where their husband...more
May 31, 2023, 1:12 p.m.
Countries: Kazakhstan

"The Kazakhs developed a patriarchal view of the world. They banded together in extended family groups to battle the hardships of the environment and to protect their cattle and their families. This was officially called 'ata-balasy', which means the joining of a grandfather’s sons into one tribe of extended family. The husband plays the primary role in family life and is ultimately responsible for the family’s survival. Kazakhstan is also an extremely hierarchical society. Everyone has a distinct place in the hierarchy based upon family relationships. People are respected because of their age and position. Older people are viewed as wise and therefore they are granted respect. The 'ways of...more
May 22, 2023, 5:54 p.m.
Countries: Japan

"There is no information to suggest that there are customary, traditional or religious practices that discriminate against women’s legal right to choose where to live" (3).