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Latest items for DV-PRACTICE-1

March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"The Attorney General’s Office has 308 gender-competent prosecutors’ offices (235 multipurpose unit and 73 gender units) throughout the country. For its part, the Ministry of the Interior has 1,575 community policing units and 16 community surveillance units for the country. The Council of the Judiciary has 37 judicial units specializing in violence, covering 23 provinces and 49 cantons; five criminal law judicial units on violence against women, covering four provinces and nine cantons; 23 criminal multipurpose judicial units covering 13 provinces and 34 cantons and 107 multipurpose judicial units. In 2019, the Council of the Judiciary incorporated 111 new judges, reaching a total of 807 officials in specialized units, including...more
March 3, 2025, 9:03 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"[B]ut remains concerned that data shows gender bias on the part of many judges, who apply gender stereotypes and give little weight to women’s testimony, evidence and claims, and that some courts have dismissed up to 80 percent of women’s domestic violence claims in divorce proceedings" (Page 4). "However, the Committee is concerned that the stated objective of the Anti-Domestic Violence Law is harmonious relations between family members rather than the security of women and family members, and that a small percentage of all domestic violence reported to the police result in restraining orders, endangering the security of women and the family. It further notes with concern: (a) That the...more
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:40 p.m.
Countries: North Korea
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"Others have stated that the stigma surrounding the victims of sexual violence and harassment prevents women and girls from seeking redress. Survivors of sexual assault lack the language itself to describe what happened to them, an issue compounded by the lack of public sex education in the country" (par. 6). "Notably, during North Korea’s CEDAW Committee review in 2016, one government official did not even seem to understand questions about 'marital rape' or what the term meant, and asked the committee to explain it. The same official also claimed that punishments for superiors coercing women into sex should be much less than in cases of rape involving outright physical violence,...more
Feb. 12, 2025, 7:04 p.m.
Countries: Pakistan
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"Five women police officers on pink Vespa-style scooters ride through a series of ever-narrowing lanes and alleys in the concrete-and-dust town of Gujranwala in the Pakistani province of Punjab. They are part of a pilot program launched in September called 'Pink Wheels,' which aims to address crimes against women and children by bringing help directly to their homes. Here, like much of Pakistan, police say many women shy away from reporting crimes such as domestic violence or sexual assault. The main barrier? 'She would likely encounter a police officer with a mustache,' says Muhammad Ayyax Saleem, deputy inspector general for Gujranwala, who developed the Pink Wheels program. He says a...more
Feb. 8, 2025, 12:39 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"Female acid attack victims are not being taken seriously by police and do not feel safe going out at night amid a terrifying rise in chemical attacks by abusive boyfriends in Britain, charities have warned" (par. 1).
Feb. 8, 2025, 12:26 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"Gender-based violence remains prevalent in Somalia. The situation is worsened by the absence of strong legal frameworks to deter attacks" (par. 4).
Feb. 5, 2025, 4:44 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"Law No. 103-13... requires survivors to file for criminal prosecution to obtain protection orders, something many women are unable to do partly because of challenges survivors face in gaining help from the police, yet the law also does not set out the duties of police, prosecutors, and investigative judges in domestic violence cases" (1). "The 20 women and girls described encountering a myriad of barriers when they tried to report violence. Most of the domestic violence survivors Human Rights Watch interviewed said they had sought help from police, prosecutors, or courts. But many said police officers refused to record their statements, failed to investigate, and refused to arrest domestic abuse...more
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"During the last review period, Human Rights Watch documented chronic violence against women by their intimate partners and the challenges women face in seeking state protection and services. This includes: gaps in Hungary’s legal and policy framework in responding to domestic violence; inadequate police response to domestic violence; frequent failure to prosecute and punish perpetrators; and, lack of sufficient shelter spaces, services, and support for victims of domestic violence. All of the above are compounded by officials’ attitudes that condone abuse" (4). "While domestic violence became a specific criminal offence on July 1, 2013, Human Rights Watch has found that legal gaps and poor implementation of the law continue to...more
Feb. 3, 2025, 12:47 p.m.
Countries: Kenya
Variables: LRW-DATA-1, DV-PRACTICE-1

"One in three women in Kenya has experienced gender-based violence, according to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, while domestic violence is seen as a minor offence in the country" (Para 46).
Jan. 30, 2025, 7:52 p.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"It also notes with concern… the frequent practice of sending victims back to their abusive partners or compelling them to part with their children" (7).
Jan. 18, 2025, 3:28 p.m.
Countries: France
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1, DV-DATA-1

"There are about 700,000 cases of domestic abuse each year, only 27% ­ending in ­conviction" (24).
Jan. 18, 2025, 3:06 p.m.
Countries: Lebanon
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"It is highly unlikely that the law [against VAW] will pass in its current form due to a seemingly entrenched culture of violence against women in Lebanon and the sectarian leaders’ continuing control over the country’s political system" (para 1). "A 2017 analysis of the law’s [law against domestic violence] impact conducted by scholars at the American University of Beirut found that it had little effect on the prevalence of VAW, and that few citizens even knew that the legislation existed" (para 3). "In addition to their limited scope, these laws [on domestic violence] have suffered from extremely weak implementation and enforcement and have encountered significant resistance from religious leaders...more
Jan. 16, 2025, 9:45 p.m.
Countries: Peru
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1, DTCP-LAW-1

"The Political Constitution recognizes indigenous jurisdiction (Article 149); but it has not developed the mechanism for coordination between the two justice systems. The Peruvian Judiciary approved between 2013 and 2015, three protocols for its action in cases in which members of indigenous communities or rondas campesinas (peasant rounds) participate, but they have been little widespread. The ruling of the Constitutional Court (Exp. 7009-2013-PHC / TC) recognizes that the state justice is competent to punish sexual violence against minors, because they violate fundamental rights. The Judiciary has a Registry of Interpreters of Indigenous or Native Languages; however, it covers 7 of the 33 judicial districts and only for 13 of the...more
Jan. 16, 2025, 10:50 a.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"In respect of the total number of domestic violence complaints received, 3,939 security measures were imposed on aggressors in order to ensure the physical and psychological safety of victims. Between 2016 and July 2020, the special domestic violence courts ruled against 76,895 perpetrators of the offence of domestic violence in response to 81,928 complaints filed" (11).
Jan. 10, 2025, 2:14 p.m.
Countries: Indonesia
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"If you fail to prove that it was non-consensual you can be hit by jail time - and if you think that there is no way this law is going to be abused it absolutely will,' [Fancesca Tanmizi] said. 'Sexual assault happens. What if you're sexually assaulted and you can't find a guy? Do you dare report it to the police knowing you could be "self-reporting" a crime. 'For all the naive people who are going, "Oh my God, surely you can tell when someone's been raped", no. Victims of sexual assault always have problems proving that it's non-consensual. 'This will protect the institution of marriage, it sounds amazing in...more
Jan. 10, 2025, 1:52 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"The single father added that child protective services' failure to investigate his claims has prompted him to speak out. 'I want everyone living in Colorado to know this story. The reason we have the child protective services department is because we want to protect our children before they got hurt not after they got hurt the department started to investigate, that's too late,' Zhang said" (par. 17-18).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:15 p.m.
Countries: Pakistan
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"They noted that the courts had also sometimes 'misused interpretations of religious law to justify victims remaining with their abusers'" (para 6).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

Table 9, titled "Information on measures taken by the internal affairs agencies to implement the requirements of Act No. 63 on Protection and Defence against Domestic Violence, dated 27 April 2017," shows that the number of temporary protection orders issued by the internal affairs agencies of the country grew each year from 2,619 in 2014 to 7,323 in 2017. The number of criminal prosecutions brought for domestic violence decreased overtime, starting at 243 in 2014 and dropping to 238 in 2015 and 199 in 2016 and then growing to 218 in 2017. The number of persons subjected to administrative action for domestic violence grew each year, starting at 1,624 in...more
Jan. 9, 2025, 3:57 p.m.
Countries: Australia
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"Statistics show one woman dies at the hands of her former or current partner in Australia every 10 days. One in three women has experienced physical violence and one in five has suffered sexual violence" (para 19-20). The high rates of death and general violence to women by their partners seems to indicate that enforcement on the action plan is lacking (MB-CODER COMMENT).
Jan. 9, 2025, 10:38 a.m.
Countries: South Sudan

"For women, customary laws tend to prevail, with rape cases - where reported - handled by community elders. Impunity for perpetrators is also due to a weak legal system, consisting of a mixture of formal and customary laws"`
Jan. 9, 2025, 10:18 a.m.
Countries: India
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"Roychowdhury considers the low conviction rate for Section 498A 'cruelty to women' offenses—the lowest among all Indian Penal Code crimes—an example of the country’s 'unfulfilled promises'" (para 42). "She was told that women took advantage of legal statutes to abuse their husbands. A judge in the city of Howrah asked Roychowdhury why she studied domestic violence given that, in his view, it 'did not exist'" (para 43).
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"In 2021, the Committee on Women and the Family, together with national gender experts and with the support of the office of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), as part of the joint Spotlight Initiative of the European Union and UN-Women, conducted a public consultation, review and evaluation of the effectiveness of the current plan of action of the State programme for prevention of domestic violence in Tajikistan for 2014 – 2023. The strengths of the State programme were noted:. . .Steps are being taken to harmonize record-keeping on incidents of violence against women and girls by crisis centres and non-governmental organizations to...more
Jan. 3, 2025, 2:39 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"Among the many reasons for this, Fairchild said, is that men are more likely to find professional mentors and role models. There has been progress of another kind, however, Mynatt noted: Those many college-educated women entering the workforce, especially in male-dominated industries, are changing perspectives. She told the story of a female computer scientist who used algorithms to identify the kinds of wrist injuries that show up on X-rays after accidents, versus the kind that might be the result of domestic violence" (par. 30-32).
Dec. 6, 2024, 6:21 p.m.
Countries: Trinidad/Tobago
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1, DV-DATA-1

"Lopez says she herself fell victim to violence when her policeman boyfriend beat her so badly she ended up in hospital weeks after her daughter’s death. In December 2016, Dale Seecharan, a shop employee, was charged with Shannon’s murder, but no trial date has been set. The policeman who allegedly beat Lopez has not been charged" (para 67-68).
Dec. 5, 2024, 4:37 p.m.
Countries: Norway
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"The Committee welcomes the…[s]ixth action plan against domestic violence for the period 2021 to 2024" (2). "The Committee is concerned that, according to the recently adopted Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime Act, which is replacing a former version of the law, access to compensation depends on the existence of a court ruling that awards the victim compensation in the context of criminal proceedings against the perpetrator. This requirement may make it more difficult for victims, in particular victims of domestic violence, to receive compensation. It is also concerned that, under the new law, the perpetrator is given status as a party to the violence compensation case processed by the...more
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:37 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom

"'Fewer than seven per cent of domestic abuse crimes got as far as a charge in 2022 and only around one per cent of reported crimes of rape resulted in a charge' [Ruth Davison, chief executive of the charity refuge]" (par. 10).
Nov. 19, 2024, 11:48 a.m.
Countries: Belgium

"'Very frequently, domestic violence has already been reported before the facts. For example, for the second-most recently recorded femicide, there were seven police reports against the perpetrator for domestic violence.' Dirkx [Advocacy group Stop Feminicide coordinator] further explained that women are most at risk whilst separating from or divorcing their partner, and that generally femicides are especially notable for their intense brutality" (para 5-6).
Nov. 16, 2024, 4:25 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan

"Women cannot access justice agencies and in most areas their petitions asking for justice cannot not be heard, which will increase the deepening violence against women" (para 6).
Nov. 16, 2024, 2:55 p.m.
Countries: Sudan

"For women, customary laws tend to prevail, with rape cases - where reported - handled by community elders. Impunity for perpetrators is also due to a weak legal system, consisting of a mixture of formal and customary laws"`
Nov. 12, 2024, 10:20 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1

"Domestic abusers will have their names added to the sex offenders’ register in a major crackdown on violence against women and girls. Home Secretary Suella Braverman, writing exclusively in the Daily Mail today, vows that ‘wicked’ abusers will be ‘watched more closely’ as a result of a new package of measures. Rishi Sunak said the moves will make it ‘a priority’ for police to tackle attacks on women and girls, and outlined his determination to ‘stamp out these appalling crimes’ " (1-3).