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Latest items for GP-DATA-3

Oct. 10, 2024, 1:33 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: GP-DATA-3, GP-DATA-4

Dr. Gisele Ndaya Luseba is the former Minister of Gender, Family, and Children in the DRC.
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"Data on the prevalence and incidence of violence against women is collected from this system of support and most of the data is housed in the Ministry of Health. At the same time, administrative data remains in disparate administrative offices (Belize Police Department, Ministry of Human Development, Ministry of Health and the courts). Data in the courts is still stored in a rudimentary a manner, most of which is paper based" (24-25). "The 2017–2020 National Gender-based Violence Action Plan aims at raising awareness through intense advocacy and communication strategies at the national level" (25). "Training teachers to implement HFLE [Health and Family Life Education] is ongoing. Over a four-year period,...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:17 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"To promote and ensure the protection of women’s human rights in all development cooperation programs, the government of Belize integrated gender equality as a cross-cutting issue in Belize’s long-term development plan entitled 'Horizon 2030: National Development Framework for Belize 2010-2030' " (18). "Further emphasis on the promotion and protection of women’s human rights in all development cooperation programs, is established in the 'Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) 2016-2020'. This medium-term plan complements Horizon2030 and was implemented by the Ministry of Economic Development. It identified gender as a cross cutting issue. Both strategies frame all national gender policies, sectorial plans, and gender-related plans in the post 2015 period and underpins...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:17 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"In 2008, the multi-sector National Gender-Based Violence Committee (NGBVC) was formed...The primary mandate of the committee is to support the National Women’s Commission implement the National Gender-based Violence Action Plan (NGBVAP). The committee envisions an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to improve law enforcement, health, judicial education, and community advocacy. It supports the upgrading of protection, provision of services, justice, and prevention of gender-based violence. At the district level, committees are chaired by a representative of the Women’s Department. Cognizant of challenges faced by past committees such as collaboration and lack of resources, the 2017–2020 NGBVAP outlined clear timeframes as well as resource mobilization plan" (16). "The National Commission for Families and...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:15 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"The Women and Family Support Department (referred to as Women’s Department) has three sections: Family Support Services, Gender Unit, and Disabilities Desk. The Department works closely with the Human Services and Community Rehabilitation Departments that falls under MHDFIPA. It has eight offices countrywide, one in each municipality. During the reporting period, staff participated in 18 Professional Development trainings related to their mandate as well as topics on management. Special topics included Gender, Nationally Determined Contributions & Climate Change, Special Conference on the Establishment of Specific Legislation to Protect the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities, Gender & Trade, Forensic Interviewing, Trauma Informed Care for Professionals. Migration-related topics offered by...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:15 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"Several trainings were conducted during the reporting period. Since 2010, the Women’s Department have been training Police Prosecutors and the Magistracy on Women's Rights" (13). "In 2008, the National Women’s Commission (NWC) installed its first Executive Director. The NWC advises the government, especially the Minister with responsibility for women and gender issues. It serves as a member on several key governmental committees. The commission is comprised of 13 persons representing governmental, non-governmental agencies, civil society, and faith-based organizations...The Ministry of Human Development, Families & Indigenous People’s Affairs (MHDFIPA) (formerly Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation and Poverty Alleviation) is the main entity responsible for advocates for legislation, policy, and programs...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:14 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"Belize developed a long-term development plan, Horizon 2010–2030, along with a medium-term strategy, the Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) to guide SDGs implementation. The 2021–2030 medium-term strategy is being drafted. The 2021–2031 National Gender Policy and projects such as the 2021 Spotlight Initiative are addressing the gaps in data collection through the provision of funding for equipment, training, and software, as well as technical support to improve the capacities of ministries and state agencies to produce data disaggregated by sex, age, geographic regions, migration, administrative regions, etc. These investments have also increased the ability of the gender machinery to monitor policies and project impacts. Challenges such as data quality,...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:14 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"In relation to the institutionalisation of comprehensive data collection mechanism, since 2007, the Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) has been established as the official, national statistical entity. This quasi-government body produces a range of national surveys and reports supported by various governmental and international agencies usually producing sex-disaggregated data. The SIB coordinates the National Statistical System (NSS) which is comprised of fifteen agencies collecting sex-disaggregated data. These agencies provide administrative data to feed into SIB’s system which is then used to inform and produce national reporting. The SIB provides technical oversight for Monitoring & Evaluation of Horizon 2030 and the Medium-Term Development Plan (GSDS 2016–2020). It fulfils the reporting obligations...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:13 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"In this reporting period, it is worth noting that efforts were made to align national laws, policies, and programs with the CEDAW. Institutional capacity to collect sex-disaggregated data was strengthened. Investments were made to expand services and attention to women in rural, indigenous, and underserved communities. In 2013 the government approved the Revised National Gender Policy, and the 2013 Criminal Code Amendment" (3). During the reporting period, two National Gender Policies were adopted. The National Gender Policy (NGP) constitutes the most important framework through which 'rights are translated into the achievement of de jure and de facto gender equality, equity, and women’s empowerment in Belize' (p. 9). The NGP is...more
July 18, 2024, 6:38 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"In 2019, the Government established a thematic committee on indigenous peoples of the Special Social Development Cabinet, in order to coordinate and integrate institutional efforts to protect the rights of indigenous people and reduce equality and equity gaps, in accordance with current national and international law...The 2015–2020 Environmental Policy on Gender of the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources and the 2021–2025 Institutional Policy for Gender Equity and its implementation plan provide for the development of a gender-sensitive methodological guide for public participation in social and environmental impact studies" (32). "With regard to specialized training, the judiciary has provided training on child marriage for more than 380 justices of...more
July 18, 2024, 3:06 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"The Presidential Secretariat for Women has developed a strategic agenda for the economic empowerment of women, setting forth planning guidelines to assist entities in implementing activities to promote women’s rights. This agenda is linked to the regional agenda for the economic empowerment of rural women of the Council of Ministers of Women’s Affairs of Central America and the Dominican Republic of the Central American Integration System, and includes activities to promote access to credit and marketing. In 2021, the Presidential Secretariat for Women joined the Special Cabinet for Women, the highest body for decision-making in the area of economic development, with proposals for the economic empowerment of women. Through the...more
July 18, 2024, 3:02 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"Between 2012 and 2020, the National Registry Office opened and monitored 47 auxiliary offices located in hospitals belonging to the national network. Between 2017 and 2021, the Office’s awareness-raising campaigns reached 278,108 people, 254,499 of them women, with the aim of educating the public about the importance of timely registration and of preventing and eradicating underregistration. Owing to COVID-19, awareness-raising campaigns are being conducted virtually with medical and administrative personnel and civil society. Workshops were held for auxiliary civil registration operators, civil registrars and government institutions (Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Ministry of Social Development, Supreme Electoral Court, National Institute of Forensic Science, National Adoption Council, National Council for...more
July 18, 2024, 3:01 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"The institutions that make up the Inter-agency Committee on Women and Peace and Security have conducted training programmes. Between 2017 and 2021, the Ministry of Defence trained 65,811 participants. The Ministry offers professional development courses at the Polytechnic School and the Naval School. The courses cover themes relating to human rights, including the human rights of women. The judiciary established a diploma course on Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) and related resolutions" (11). "The judiciary organized a course on trafficking in persons in all its forms for 115 members of the multidisciplinary teams from the specialized courts. The course was given by the Secretariat against Sexual Violence, Exploitation and Trafficking...more
July 18, 2024, 2:59 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"With regard to the generation of information and statistical data, the National System of Information on Violence against Women brings together the institutions that generate information related to violence against women. The System is composed of three working committees (lobbying, information technology and content) that guide the data recording systems of the participating institutions. Between 2018 and 2020, it produced three statistical information publications. The National System of Information on Violence against Women has drawn up a proposal for a national survey on violence against women to collect data on its prevalence, magnitude and frequency. A preliminary draft of the conceptual framework has met with the approval of experts on...more
July 17, 2024, 3:15 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"Between 2019 and May 2021, 4,529 judicial officials participated in training sessions, virtual courses or specialized workshops on the human rights of women, the care of victims, statistics and communication with a gender perspective and the regulatory framework established under the Convention" (4). "Bill No. 4977, pursuant to which the Ministry of Women is to be established, is pending final approval by the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala on third reading. In June 2020, women deputies introduced bill No. 5791, which proposes amendments to Decree No. 114-97 of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala (Executive Branch Act), by adding article 14 quater, Presidential Secretariat for Women. The aim...more
July 17, 2024, 3:14 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"The Presidential Secretariat for Women remains the advisory and coordinating body for public policies to promote the comprehensive development of women, under the direct leadership of the President of the Republic. In accordance with its mandate, it coordinated the preparation of this report in a collaborative manner, through forums that were both inter-institutional (central Government and local governments) and intra-institutional (non-governmental organizations (NGOs), women’s organizations and international cooperation partners)...Regarding the implementation and visibility of the Convention, in 2019 the Presidential Secretariat for Women formulated the 2018–2021 Strategy to Follow-up on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The Strategy focuses on two areas, namely, carrying...more
April 19, 2024, 3:06 p.m.
Countries: Serbia
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"[A] National strategy for gender equality for the period 2016–2020 and the accompanying action plan for the period 2016–2018 [was adopted or established]" (2). "It urges the State party to recognize women as the driving force of the sustainable development of the State party and to adopt relevant policies and strategies to that effect" (2). Women and their issues are not being recognized (coder comment). "The national strategy and action plan for gender equality lack funding and depend on external resources" (5). "[There is a] lack of a robust data collection and monitoring system for cases of gender-based violence against women and girls" (8).
April 19, 2024, 2:38 p.m.
Countries: Serbia
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"[D]ata, disaggregated by age, gender and geographical area, on the participation of women in the implementation of the national action plan in the legislative, executive and judicial branches [is not being collected]" (11). "[T]he national strategy on ageing, the national strategy for the social inclusion of Roma women and men for the period 2016–2025 and the national strategy for resolving the issues of refugees and internally displaced persons [have been adopted by the state]" (16).
March 30, 2024, 2:46 p.m.
Countries: Lithuania
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"[The CEDAW committee] urges the State party to recognize women as the driving force of the sustainable development of the State party and to adopt relevant policies and strategies to that effect" (3). Women and their issues are not being recognized (coder comment). "[M]andatory capacity-building [needs to be introduced] for judges, prosecutors, police officers and other law enforcement officers on the strict application of criminal law provisions on gender-based violence against women and on gender-sensitive investigation procedures" (8). "[There is a] joint project between the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson and Lithuania Statistics to generate more data disaggregated by sex and gender and to publish a gender equality statistics map" (14). This...more
March 26, 2024, 3:02 p.m.
Countries: Lithuania
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"[G]ender-sensitive training [efforts are being strengthened] on all aspects of trafficking in persons, in particular women and girls, for judges, prosecutors, police officers, border guards, social workers, psychologists, child protection officers and child care specialists, including at the municipal level" (9).
March 15, 2024, 2:30 p.m.
Countries: Gabon
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"[T]here is no commission with specific responsibility for issues of gender parity and equality" (2). "Initial training for judges, prosecutors and lawyers does not include human rights courses. However, the training for judicial police officers includes modules on human rights, but without a focus on gender-based violence" (5). "Gabon has established a Directorate General for the Advancement of Women and Gender Equality responsible for implementing government policy on women's advancement and gender equality. In this connection, it initiates and proposes measures to promote women's rights and mainstream the gender approach in policies and programmes" (6-7).
March 14, 2024, 10:47 a.m.
Countries: Gabon
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"[T]he State distribution of resources allocates the required funding to sustainable development and poverty eradication programmes, as well as to gender mainstreaming" (23-24).
March 14, 2024, 10:46 a.m.
Countries: Gabon
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"A capacity-building programme on gender-based violence in prison settings was carried out in 2016-2017. This programme trained nine prison directors and nine registrars" (11). "Training on the essential care package for victims of gender-based violence was conducted from 17 to 19 October 2017 by the Government in partnership with UNFPA. The training was organized for the judiciary, social workers, civil society organizations, Parliament, and health personnel" (11). "[T]here is still no system for the regular collection of data on violence against women... The government mechanism for the protection of women's rights is establishing a database" (11).
March 14, 2024, 10:45 a.m.
Countries: Gabon
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"The Government, in partnership with UNFPA and civil society, adopted the national strategy to combat gender-based violence at a workshop in December 2018" (10). "In collaboration with UNFPA, in 2017 the Government conducted training on the essential services package for women and girls subject to violence. The training focused on the analysis of the situation of victims of gender-based violence, the multisectoral response to gender-based violence and addressing multifaceted violence. The training was geared towards sectoral stakeholders who work addressing gender-based violence" (10-11).
March 14, 2024, 10:44 a.m.
Countries: Gabon
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"[Since January 2019, A] ministerial department responsible for the Women's Decade [was established to analyse and solve Gabonese women's problems]" (7). "Machinery staff receive regular capacity-building through seminars, lectures and workshops, including on human rights, especially women's rights" (7). "A project to establish a database is being prepared by the Directorate General for the Advancement of Women and Gender Equality in order to gather data on the situation of women" (8). "The national strategy to combat gender-based violence was approved in December 2018" (10).
Feb. 20, 2024, 6:27 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"The Committee commends the State party on its high-level delegation, which was headed by the Minister for Human Rights, Marie-Ange Mushobekwa, and included the Minister for Gender, Family and the Child, Chantal Safou Lopussa" (1). "[The] National strategic plan against HIV/AIDS for the period 2018–2021, [was adopted] in 2018… The] National action plan to end child marriage, [was adopted] in 2017" (2). These plans relate to some issues the women face (MV-coder comment). "[T]he State party [does not] recognize women as the driving force of the sustainable development of the Democratic Republic of the Congo [which results in adopting] relevant policies and strategies to that effect" (2-3).more
Feb. 20, 2024, 3:17 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"[J]udges, prosecutors and law enforcement officials are not sufficiently and adequately trained on women’s rights and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women" (5). "[T]raining for law enforcement officials on women’s rights and gender-sensitive investigation methods [are not provided by the state]… [T]he national gender policy [has not been implemented]" (6). "[A]wareness-raising programmes for teachers and all school administration personnel on the fact that they may be held criminally liable for rape and sexual harassment [are not compulsory]" (11). This indicates that such programmes are available but not everyone attends (MV-coder comment).
Feb. 20, 2024, 3:16 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"[T]he national strategic plan against HIV/AIDS for the period 2018–2021 [was adopted]... [T]he national strategic plan on family planning for the period 2014–2020 [was adopted]... [T]he action plan for the national reproductive health programme for the period 2013–2017 and the national strategy for the elimination of obstetric fistula for the period 2018–2025 [were adopted]" (12). "[W]omen [do not fully participate] in the elaboration of development programmes in relation to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals" (13). "[The Committee] welcomes the national action plan to end child marriage for the period 2017–2021" (17).
Feb. 20, 2024, 3:14 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: GP-DATA-3

"[T]he translation of the national action plan to end child marriage for the period 2017–2021 [needs to be accelerated] into operational plans to ensure its implementation in all the provinces, [and] mobilize sufficient financial resources for its implementation" (17).
Feb. 16, 2024, 4:44 p.m.
Countries: Honduras

"However, Honduran activists did welcome some advances under the new administration, including the creation of a minister for women, the appointment of some feminists to important positions and more focus on gender issues, none of which would have happened under the previous regime" (para 20).