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women in the world.

Latest items for LDS-PRACTICE-1

Oct. 9, 2024, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"The Special Branch, the intelligence gathering unit of the Belize Police Department, does investigations and operations plus maintains a permanent presence at all ports of entry. However, the Department of Immigration and Nationality screens foreign nationals upon entering the country to identify potential trafficking victims. The Joint Intelligence Coordinating Centre (JICC) collects and stores TiP data. This is shared with The Anti Trafficking in Persons (ATiP) Council who compiles and produces periodic reports" (28).
July 18, 2024, 6:38 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala

"In May 2021, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security established the Programme for Temporary Work Abroad in order to help Guatemalans find decent jobs on the international labour market through orderly and safe migration. Under the Programme, as at September 2021, a total of 78 women (11 Mayan and 67 mestizo) had travelled to the United States, and a total of 44 women (4 Mayan, 38 mestizo and 2 Xinca) had travelled to Canada. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, between 2017 and October 2021 a total of 43,477 workers participated in the Temporary Foreign Worker Program under the auspices of the Government of Canada. Under a similar...more
Feb. 20, 2024, 9:55 a.m.
Countries: Qatar
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"Hundreds of thousands of women have traveled to Qatar for work, mostly from Asia and Africa" (para 2)."Although men dominate the country’s migrant workforce, government data shows nearly 300,000 migrant women worked in Qatar as of June this year" (para 14). "In 2020, female migrants made up just over a fifth of hotel workers, according to the most recent government statistics, although this is probably a significant undercount as the figures exclude subcontracted workers, say rights groups. To cope with the influx of 1.3 million football fans, an additional 108 hotels have been built ahead of the start of the tournament" (para 15).
Nov. 28, 2023, 1:28 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

Image 1 shows "Students at Ayi University, a training program for domestic helpers, practice on baby dolls during a course teaching childcare in Beijing, China December 5, 2018" (pp 1). This indicates China as a provider of domestic workers (MV-code comment).
Sept. 22, 2023, 8:51 a.m.
Countries: Angola
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"Forced labor of men and women occurred in fisheries, agriculture, construction, domestic service, and artisanal diamond-mining sectors, particularly in Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul Provinces. Migrant workers were subject to seizure of passports, threats, denial of food, and confinement" (25).
Aug. 8, 2023, 8:30 p.m.
Countries: Bulgaria
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"[T]he State party is a source and destination country for trafficking in women and girls for purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labour" (7).
Aug. 8, 2023, 12:20 p.m.
Countries: Senegal
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"The study on trafficking in persons through domestic servitude, commissioned by the National Unit, contributed to a better understanding of this phenomenon. Information provided by this study revealed: The economic impact of the huge influx of girls; The invisible nature of trafficking, resulting from findings on the low rate of complaints filed; The mistreatment sometimes suffered in homes; Hardship, abuse, the delegation of parental responsibility to other family members and issues related to recruitment agencies; The rise in the use of personal networks as a means of recruitment (and the fall in the use of media advertising).' (18)(NF - CODER COMMENT - The low rates of reporting combined with a...more
July 25, 2023, 10:44 a.m.
Countries: Cambodia
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"[T]he State party remains a source, destination and transit country for trafficking in persons, in particular women and girls, for purposes of sexual and labour exploitation" (8). "Cambodian women who migrate abroad to work in lowpaid sectors such as manufacturing, domestic work, hospitality and agriculture, frequently experience abuse and exploitation" (11).
July 10, 2023, 9:26 p.m.
Countries: Maldives
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"According to figures, the number of migrant workers in the country nearly tripled recent years, and eight percent of these are women. In the Maldives, migrant workers are subjected to exploitation and abuse, including confiscation of identification documents, non-payment of wages, and inhumane treatment. Most migrants would not know the procedural information to lodge a complaint, and even if they are aware, most would be hesitant to disclose their undocumented status due to fear of deportation and heavy debt they had incurred in the informal migration channels. It is also crucial to highlight that in several cases migrant female domestic workers are restrained from leaving the employers home through threats...more
May 19, 2023, 2:31 p.m.
Countries: Nigeria
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"Indeed, money marriage is a form of life-long slavery because it doesn’t give the girls a right to go to school or the type of freedom that other girls have. Rather, they are forced into marriage without any consent" (Para.10).
March 18, 2023, 10:20 p.m.
Countries: Ethiopia
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"Ethiopia serves as a country of origin as well as transit for the trafficking and smuggling of human beings. Studies show that the majority of those trafficked both within and outside of the country are women. The major purposes of trafficking are forced labour and sexual exploitation" (11). "[S]ome reports show that up to 1,000 women leave the country every month to find jobs as domestic workers abroad. The main destinations are Middle East and the Gulf countries" (11). "[There is] lack of protection to domestic workers" (30). Women tend to be domestic workers (MV-coder comment).
Feb. 24, 2023, 12:54 p.m.
Countries: Nepal
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"The GoN has undertaken a number of measures to prevent and manage the risk of exploitation of migrant workers. The Foreign Employment Promotion Board through agreements with financial institutions is facilitating loans for aspiring migrant workers. By mid-April 2014, Nrs. 2,672.14 million had been lent to the needy having contributed to the employment of 20,806 individuals. To help migrant workers obtain better jobs in the international market, the GoN has been providing skill training to them. By mid-April 2014, 4,500 persons have been provided with capacity enhancement training from the CTEVT. Similarly, 14,935 persons have benefited from orientation training. The number of previously unregistered migrants who received labour permits in...more
Feb. 6, 2023, 12:07 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"[T]he State party is a source country for trafficking in women and girls for purposes of sexual and labour exploitation, including in domestic employment" (6-7).
Feb. 2, 2023, 1:11 p.m.
Countries: Austria
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"The Committee recommends that the State party:... (e) Revise immigration policies to ensure that laws and policies on the deportation of foreign women are not applied in a discriminatory manner, do not deter migrants, refugees and asylum seekers from reporting crimes of trafficking and do not undermine efforts to prevent trafficking in persons, identify or protect victims or prosecute perpetrators" (7). "In line with its general recommendation No. 34 (2016) on the rights of rural women and target 5.a of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee recommends that the State party: (b) Strengthen and ensure the effective implementation of existing policies and programmes to protect migrant women and other women...more
Jan. 12, 2023, 9:51 p.m.
Countries: Nepal
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"He said that mainly women are being trafficked because their skin and organ are more often in better condition since they do not smoke or drink alcohol. Nepali women are mainly targeted for skin because they are fair and their skin is passed off as that of a person of Caucasian origin." (para 22).
Sept. 28, 2022, 4:43 p.m.
Countries: North Korea
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"The vast majority of rich entrepreneurs in North Korea are women running small- and medium-size businesses – workshops, eateries, kiosks and small shops. Women make up some 80% of vendors selling merchandise at marketplaces and are vastly overrepresented in the small business ownership class. Of course, owing to North Korea’s rigid patriarchy, the higher up the rung one goes in North Korea it becomes increasingly hard for women to break through, but nonetheless many are thriving in the country’s capitalist spaces" (para 2).
June 21, 2022, 8:35 a.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"The Committee remains concerned about obstacles faced by women belonging to marginalized groups, such as asylum-seeking and refugee women, migrant women, Roma and Traveller women, and victims of trafficking in gaining access to healthcare services, including as a result of their inability to provide identity documentation, proof of address or immigration status" (13).
June 7, 2022, 10:47 a.m.
Countries: China

"The Government gives full play to the positive role of social forces in raising awareness of the importance of the rule of law, and has invited professionals to join public campaign teams and has organized lectures on related topics. The Chinese Women’s Legal Aid Action, for instance, has specifically provided legal advice to women and female migrant workers from poverty-stricken areas of Central and Western China" (11).
March 25, 2022, 8:57 p.m.
Countries: Philippines

“…Local newspapers reported on court cases involving violence committed against maids and other domestic workers. In August local media reported that the Philippine Overseas Labor Office in Dubai had sheltered a total of 1,737 women between January and June, 86 percent of whom left their employers due to alleged maltreatment, including long work hours, verbal and physical abuse, and lack of food” (36).
March 9, 2022, 8:57 a.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"Women migrants present in Italy represent approximately 49.8 per cent of all immigrants residing in Italy. But there are huge differences in gender distribution according to nationality: As for the Eastern European countries, women are almost three times more than men; as for African countries the rate is reversed; as for the Far East, there is a marked female predominance, while other Asian countries see the male predominance" (33). "Several projects have been launched in recent years, among them...the initiative, promoted by the Christian Associations of Italian Workers (ACLI), entitled 'Let’s get out of the silence' and referring to domestic work, an area where there is significant presence of immigrants...more
Feb. 5, 2022, 9:24 a.m.
Countries: Mozambique

"...Girls and women from rural areas, as well as migrant workers from bordering countries, were lured to cities with false promises of employment or education and exploited in domestic servitude and sex trafficking" (22).
Jan. 14, 2022, 10:50 a.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"Forced labor of both Belizean and foreign women occurred in bars, nightclubs, and domestic service. Migrant men, women, and children were at risk for forced labor in agriculture, fishing, and in the service sector, including restaurants and shops, particularly among the South Asian and Chinese communities" (18).
Jan. 10, 2022, 10:08 a.m.
Countries: Philippines
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"...Unscrupulous employers subjected women from rural communities and impoverished urban centers to domestic servitude, forced begging, and forced labor in small factories…" (37). "Domestic workers worked under a separate wage and benefit system, which lays out minimum wage requirements and payments into social welfare programs, and mandates one day off a week. While there were no reliable recent data, informed observers believed two million or more persons were employed as domestic workers, with nearly 85 percent being women or girls as young as 15 years old" (41).
Jan. 5, 2022, 2:56 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"Saudi Arabia is a country where Somali female migrant labor usually go to. 'Domestic workers report that employers confiscate their passports to keep them from leaving and make them work excessive hours with no rest breaks and no days off'" (1).
Dec. 27, 2021, 10:10 a.m.
Countries: Taiwan

"The approximately 703,000 foreign workers, primarily from Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, were vulnerable to exploitation" (23).
Dec. 2, 2021, 7:51 p.m.
Countries: Philippines

“…In Sint Maarten the lack of standard procedures for front- line responders to identify forced labor victims hindered the government’s ability to assist such persons. Following an investigation into the possible exploitation of three Filipina women hired as domestic servants, the public prosecutor’s office determined in September that the case did not amount to forced labor, despite claims from the Filipino community alleging unfair labor practices and exploitation” (20). This occurred in the Netherlands (JLR-CODER COMMENT).
Dec. 2, 2021, 7:34 p.m.
Countries: Netherlands

"...In Sint Maarten the lack of standard procedures for front- line responders to identify forced labor victims hindered the government’s ability to assist such persons. Following an investigation into the possible exploitation of three Filipina women hired as domestic servants, the public prosecutor’s office determined in September that the case did not amount to forced labor, despite claims from the Filipino community alleging unfair labor practices and exploitation. Isolated incidents of forced or compulsory labor occurred in the kingdom. Victims of coerced labor included both domestic and foreign women and men, as well as boys and girls (see section 7.c.) forced to work in, among other sectors, agriculture, horticulture, catering,...more
Nov. 30, 2021, 2:33 p.m.
Countries: Israel
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"During the year the government also implemented an agreement with the Philippines to employ caregivers and domestic workers" (52).
Sept. 29, 2021, 9:33 a.m.
Countries: Mali

"Approximately 25 percent of children between the ages of five and 14 were economically active, and employers subjected more than 40 percent of economically active children to the worst forms of child labor. Many were engaged in hazardous activities in agriculture. Armed groups used child soldiers in the North and the Center (see section 1.g). Child trafficking occurred. Employers used children, especially girls, for forced domestic labor. Employers forced Black Tuareg children to work as domestic and agricultural laborers" (34).
Sept. 22, 2021, 10:41 a.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1

"The Committee is further concerned that rural women have limited access to land, productive resources, agricultural equipment, markets, finance or technology, all of which limits their ability to invest and accumulate assets" (15).