The most comprehensive compilation of information on the status of
women in the world.

Latest items for NGOFW-DATA-1

Oct. 22, 2024, 11 a.m.
Countries: Australia
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"Ela Stewart, of InTouch Multicultural Service Against Family Violence, said the organisation had supported clients whose family members were threatened with violence if money was not handed over" (para 17).
Oct. 16, 2024, 3:02 p.m.
Countries: Malta
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"Activist and lawyer Lara Dimitrijevic said the Women’s Rights Foundation has been receiving reports on young girls “disappearing” from classrooms" (para 11).
Oct. 16, 2024, 11:31 a.m.
Countries: India
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"The North East Network (NEN), a women's rights organization, has been active in the region for several years" (para 15). "NEN has established safe spaces for village women, known as Grameen Mahila Kendra. They provide psychological care and social services to people experiencing violence at home, work or elsewhere. By involving local workers trusted within their communities, NEN has managed to reach a very vast pool of women" (para 17).
Oct. 16, 2024, 11:29 a.m.
Countries: Lebanon
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"According to internal security forces, nine women were killed in domestic violence crimes between January and October last year, and 18 in 2021. The real number is thought to be far higher, with domestic abuse on the rise. The real number is thought to be far higher, with domestic abuse on the rise. “We know that not all the cases are reported,” says Mohamad Mansour, deputy director of Abaad, a gender equality NGO" (para 8).
Oct. 10, 2024, 1:33 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo

The Ministry of Gender, Children, and Family has worked with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to promote marriage.
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"In 2007, the Ministry of Labour in collaboration with the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry, National AIDS Commission (NAC) and National Trade Union Congress of Belize developed an HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy" (37-38). "During the reporting period, partnerships between the Ministry of Health, National AIDS Commission, the National Committee for Families and Children (NCFC), governmental agencies and NGOs working on sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS. As mentioned in various paragraphs above, collaborations led to policy development, especially draft anti-discrimination legislation, and improved services for key populations" (38). "Following the Committee concerns regarding rural women, the Women’s Department assigned a Rural Women’s Development Officer in 2010. The office supports rural...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:42 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"Mental Health services are available at hospitals and polyclinics across the country mostly staffed by Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners. The Unit supports the Domestic Violence Unit and provides training to medical staff. However, the mental health sector continuously reports lack of Counsellors, Clinical Psychologists, Mental Health Specialists, and other support personnel, therefore, referrals to NGO services are vital. Governmental agencies make referrals to agencies such as the Child Development Foundation that houses the only Counsellor specialized in traumainformed therapy countrywide. Such collaborations alleviate shortages" (27). "The Government is taking a proactive and preventative approach in conjunction with NGO partners to address child sex tourism" (28). "In 1999 Belize received funding for...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:41 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"In the last quart of 2020, the Spotlight Initiative, in collaboration with Ministry of Human Development, Families, and Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, United Nation Agencies: UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP with Civil Society Organizations: Productive Organization for Women in Action, Belize Family Live Association, Human Rights Commission of Belize and Child Development Foundation conducted six mobile women’s centres in southern and northern villages of Belize reaching almost 398 persons major of whom were women with sexual and reproductive health services including Family Planning and Pap Smears, Legal services ranging from addressing migrant status, divorce, domestic violence including division of property, psychosocial support, counselling, information on Gender Based Violence, HIV prevention and referral to...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:41 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"In 2008, the multi-sector National Gender-Based Violence Committee (NGBVC) was formed. It is chaired by the Women’s Department and includes representatives from the Magistrate Court, Family Court, Police Department, Community Rehabilitation Department, Ministry of Health, and several civil society agencies including shelters. The primary mandate of the committee is to support the National Women’s Commission implement the National Gender-based Violence Action Plan (NGBVAP)" (16). "A multi-sectorial approach is vital in Belize’s implementation of the convention. Many agencies play supportive roles in the gender machinery such as the health sector, legal services, etc. These partnerships are essential to help bridge shortage of human and material resources nationwide" (18). "Between 2007-2021, Belize’s...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:40 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"The need for court navigators to support victims was prominent. Currently, service providers refer victims local NGO’s, the Child Development Foundation and Haven House or Legal Aid" (13). "The NGO community, international agencies and the Bar Association have collaborated with the Legal Advice and Services Centre on issues related to gender-based violence" (15). "In 2008, the National Women’s Commission (NWC) installed its first Executive Director. The NWC advises the government, especially the Minister with responsibility for women and gender issues. It serves as a member on several key governmental committees. The commission is comprised of 13 persons representing governmental, non-governmental agencies, civil society, and faith-based organizations. The (NWC) Secretariat monitors...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:39 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"In 2009, the Women’s and Family Support Department (WFSD) extended the week of activities marking International Women’s Day to a month. Since then, WFSD along with government, civil society organizations and the private sector conducts activities to celebrate Women’s Month. For both 16 days of Activism and Women’s Month, a calendar of activities is launched to heighten public awareness about women rights, gender equity and equality, services. The government partnered with a network of NGOs including Haven House, Child Development Foundation, Belize Family Life Association, Mercy Clinic, Productive Organization for Women in Action, Toledo Maya Women Council, to fill service and resource gaps. New policies and programs are being designed...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:39 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"In 2011, the Ministry of Human Development, Families & Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs (formerly Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation and Poverty Alleviation) oversaw the drafting process of the combined report. Stakeholders from 34 governmental agencies, statutory bodies and NGOs participated in a consultative process. The National Women’s Commission oversaw the drafting of the updated version. Between October 2022–February 2023, input was solicited from 40 governmental agencies, statutory bodies, gender focal points, and NGOs via an online qualitative questionnaire, interviews and three virtual review and validation sessions" (2-3). "Cognizant that services for women and girls with disabilities must improve, GoB continues to partner with community-based organizations and NGOs. For example, the...more
Sept. 6, 2024, 10:07 a.m.
Countries: Cameroon
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

“Boyo Maurine is with the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services program, a nonprofit group that works with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The group educates communities about obstetric fistula and encourages women to seek treatment…In 2020, the U.N. launched a global commitment to fistula prevention and treatment, including surgical repair and social reintegration. The campaign hopes to end fistula by 2030, while transforming the lives of thousands of women and girls” (12, 14).
July 26, 2024, 6:17 p.m.
Countries: Benin

“At the forest’s edge, a scientist is giving a lesson on the mushrooms that grow here in the damp ground around the trees of Toui-Kilibo reserve in Benin. Olyvia Fadeyi is a mycologist – she studies fungi – and is teaching the women from the village of Yaoui how best to harness the economic value of this strangest of crops. Mushrooms can be cultivated year round, in back gardens, on vertically stacked shelves, rather than waiting for the naturally abundant ones in the rainy season” (1). “Fadeyi, who recently received €10,000 to fund her mushroom-growing initiative from a science-funding foundation and is asking for additional support from the Beninese authorities,...more
July 23, 2024, 4:58 p.m.
Countries: Sierra Leone
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

“Aminata Koroma, the executive secretary of the Forum Against Harmful Practices (FAHP), an organisation working to end FGM in Sierra Leone, said the girls’ parents and those who cut them were in police custody” (3). “Divya Srinivasan, who leads on ending harmful practices at the NGO Equality Now, said: ‘It is completely unacceptable that despite women and girls continuing to die from FGM in Sierra Leone, there remains complete apathy from the government and an unwillingness to take desperately needed action to prevent these deaths or prohibit the practice’ ” (14).
July 22, 2024, 9:44 p.m.
Countries: Kenya
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

“ ‘It is shocking and disheartening that in the 21st century we can kill a police officer rescuing girls undergoing the inhumane act [of FGM],’ said Tony Mwebia, founder and executive director of the not-for-profit Men End FGM Foundation that aims to rally men and boys against FGM and child marriages. ‘Were these men who killed the policeman aware of why they were protecting the backward culture? Do they have any idea of the harm caused by the cut?’ ” (6). "Bernadette Loloju, chief executive officer of the Anti-FGM Board in Kenya, said the killing was ‘an isolated incident beyond human thinking’, but that it should not be used to...more
July 19, 2024, 9:09 p.m.
Countries: Sierra Leone

“Feminist movement partners, such as Purposeful, Not In My Name, and the Forum Against Harmful Practices, will continue to advocate and agitate in close dialogue with parliamentarians, to bring strategic litigation into the international spotlight, to pressure the government to support the strategy on the reduction of FGM, and to pass the all-encompassing Child Rights Act, pending since 2016” (10).
April 19, 2024, 3:06 p.m.
Countries: Serbia
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"[S]upport to victims of gender-based violence is mainly provided by non-governmental organizations and remains donor-dependent" (8).
April 12, 2024, 5:14 p.m.
Countries: Australia
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"Cat Gander is the chief executive of DV West, whose four refuges supported more than 2000 women and children in Western Sydney last financial year" (para 19).
March 15, 2024, 2:30 p.m.
Countries: Gabon
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"[I]n 2018[,] civil society organizations (Cris de femme, Agir pour le genre and ADDEFE) were extensively involved in the events held for International Widows' Day" (4). "several nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) working in Gabon to protect women's rights undertake activities related to psychological care" (11).
Jan. 31, 2024, 12:37 p.m.
Countries: Poland
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"The aunt contacted reproductive organisation Federa, who helped take the young girl to Warsaw where an abortion was performed safely and successfully" (para 8).
Jan. 19, 2024, 12:06 p.m.
Countries: Central African Rep
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"The Association de Femmes Juristes Centrafricaines (Association of Central African Women Lawyers), works to protect women’s rights" (11). "Non-governmental organizations deal with sexual and reproductive health across the country. They provide care for women who are victims of rape during the conflict and offer access to medical and psychosocial services" (36).
Jan. 19, 2024, 11:39 a.m.
Countries: Central African Rep
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"The Organisation des Femmes Centrafricaines (Central African Women’s Organization), a national platform for the advancement of women[,] The Comité International des Femmes Africaines pour le Développement (International Committee of African Women for Development)[,] The Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children[,] The Network of African Women Ministers and Parliamentarians of Chad, the Network for Women’s Leadership in Central Africa, Women Parliamentarians, Women’s Coalition, the Network of Journalists for Human Rights, [and] G23, etc [are some non-state institutions and bodies]" (12).
Jan. 16, 2024, 6:33 p.m.
Countries: Botswana
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"The Government in collaboration with civil society organisations continue to implement comprehensive empowerment programmes including life skills, technical skills, business management and financial assistance for income generating projects to enhance opportunities for employment creation for women [including] youth and women empowerment programmes including development of business and technical skills, financial support for entrepreneurship and enterprise development; poverty eradication programmes; micro lending programmes to provide start-up capital and mentorship for small businesses; provision of free education, back-to-school programme for youth who dropped out and those who previously failed, re-admission after pregnancy; orphan care programmes; and the national internship programme" (16). "“Women in Botswana continue to engage in self-help groups (Motshelo) and...more
Jan. 4, 2024, 10:41 a.m.
Countries: Singapore
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"Our NGOs such as Centre for Domestic Employees and Foreign Domestic Worker Association for Social Support and Training (FAST) are invaluable partners in helping MDWs understand their rights, responsibilities and avenues of assistance" (30). "[F]ocus group discussions [over several sessions were] facilitated by the Taskforce’s NGO members such as the SCWO, United Women Singapore and Casa Raudha Limited" (37).
Nov. 28, 2023, 12:49 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"Civic, labor and social group, including Korean Women's Association United, joined forces to call on the government to advance women's rights" (pp 4). "The feminist organization Haeil (Korean for 'tsunami') is leading the protests in the cities of Seoul, Gwanju and Busan on Sunday" (pp 5).
Nov. 3, 2023, 11:41 a.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

“Park made her name as a student journalist, when she uncovered an online sex ring, where young teenagers were being blackmailed into filming themselves performing sexual and degrading acts. The ringleaders were sent to prison as a result of her investigation” (para 14). Park collaborated with law enforcement and government representatives in the uncovering of the sex ring. This indicates that the government would likewise collaborate with non governmental organizations (ET - CODER COMMENT). “Only after the #MeToo movement did Ana find the strength to seek help. She went to a support centre for victims of crime, but they wanted evidence before agreeing to help her. She made her case...more
Oct. 10, 2023, 12:34 p.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"After her ordeal, the young woman sought help from CEPROSAF, a non-governmental organization in Honduras dedicated to the promotion of family health – and which provides legal support for HIV-positive women who experience this type of coercion" (para 4). "At Fundacion Llaves, an organization in San Pedro Sula that seeks justice for women sterilized without consent, a Garifuna woman said she was seven months pregnant when she went to the hospital for a routine check-up" (para 17).
Oct. 5, 2023, 12:54 p.m.
Countries: Colombia
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"I came to know about all these issues in 2018 when I started holding meetings for former prisoners. This was the genesis of Mujeres Libres. Now we are a group of nine women, with 600 affiliated with us" (para 20).
Sept. 26, 2023, 10:17 a.m.
Countries: Australia
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1

"Aboriginal women are charging forward and demanding change: influencing legal and policy reform, advocating for communities and calling for an end to the colonial and patriarchal structures that still underpin the way that many parts of our society operate" (para 14).