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women in the world.

Latest items for NGOFW-PRACTICE-1

July 19, 2024, 9:09 p.m.
Countries: Sierra Leone

“Feminist movement partners, such as Purposeful, Not In My Name, and the Forum Against Harmful Practices, will continue to advocate and agitate in close dialogue with parliamentarians, to bring strategic litigation into the international spotlight, to pressure the government to support the strategy on the reduction of FGM, and to pass the all-encompassing Child Rights Act, pending since 2016” (10).
July 18, 2024, 6:38 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala

"With regard to assisting women victims of violence, pursuant to article 104 of Decree No. 25-2018 (General Budget of State Revenues and Expenditures Act), the Ministry of the Interior makes budgetary allocations to the Guatemalan Women’s Group in order to support the provision of comprehensive care for women survivors of violence through the comprehensive support centres for women survivors of violence, which are operated by the Group" (9-10). "Between 2012 and 2020, the National Registry Office opened and monitored 47 auxiliary offices located in hospitals belonging to the national network. Between 2017 and 2021, the Office’s awareness-raising campaigns reached 278,108 people, 254,499 of them women, with the aim of educating...more
July 18, 2024, 3:17 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala

"The Presidential Secretariat for Women remains the advisory and coordinating body for public policies to promote the comprehensive development of women, under the direct leadership of the President of the Republic. In accordance with its mandate, it coordinated the preparation of this report in a collaborative manner, through forums that were both inter-institutional (central Government and local governments) and intra-institutional (non-governmental organizations (NGOs), women’s organizations and international cooperation partners)" (2). "The 2020–2029 National Plan for the Prevention of and Eradication of Violence against Women was updated by the National Coordination Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Violence against Women with the technical support of the Presidential Secretariat for...more
March 30, 2024, 2:46 p.m.
Countries: Lithuania

"[The Lithuanian government provided] for the partial financing of projects of eligible civil society organizations working to promote the equality of women and men" (2).
March 15, 2024, 2:30 p.m.
Countries: Gabon

"Consolidation support was provided for 2,280 cooperatives, 1,408 of which are headed by women" (21).
Jan. 29, 2024, 5:50 p.m.
Countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina

"[The state does not have a strong] cooperation with civil society organizations, in particular women’s organizations" (6).
Jan. 16, 2024, 6:33 p.m.
Countries: Botswana

"Furthermore the Government, in conjunction with civil society organizations has implemented comprehensive empowerment programmes which encompass life skills, technical skills, business management and financial assistance for income generating projects to enhance opportunities for women’s employment and their advancement in society" (6-7). " Economic empowerment of women continues to be promoted through provision of financial grants to women and women’s groups" (7). "Government collaborates with Men Care, a civil society organisation, to strengthen greater involvement of men in ante-natal, delivery and post-natal care as well as child rearing" (14). "There have been national consultative fora for Dikgosi/Chiefs (2012) and for leaders of faith based organisations (2011) as an effort to mobilise...more
Jan. 4, 2024, 10:41 a.m.
Countries: Singapore

"The [Office for Women's Development (OWD) of [Ministry of Social and Family Services (MSF)] works closely with the three apex women bodies – SCWO [(Singapore Council of Women's Organisation)], People’s Association Women’s Integration Network Council (PA WIN) and the National Trades Union Congress Women and Family Unit (NTUC WAF) to address issues facing women in Singapore" (19). "NGOs co-implement programmes with the Government" (30). "The Government also collaborated with community partners such as SCWO (with more than 60 member organisations) and Casa Raudha Limited (which runs a crisis shelter) to develop infographics on managing family conflict and dealing with family violence" (38).
Oct. 10, 2023, 12:34 p.m.
Countries: Honduras

"Lawyers without Borders Canada – a non-governmental organization that helps vulnerable people access legal representation – has been working with CEPROSAF and other groups tackling the issue. Lucas Valderas Martos, the country director for Lawyers without Borders Canada – which receives funding from Global Affairs Canada – said his organization assists CEPROSAF in analyzing and documenting cases of forced sterilization, and helps them support victims" (para 9).
Oct. 5, 2023, 12:54 p.m.
Countries: Colombia

"In 2019, the Colombian congress, along with civil society organisations including Mujeres Libres, started working on alternative sentencing for women that would take into account their needs and seek to reduce the impact of imprisonment on dependants. On International Women’s Day, a new law was approved by the president, so women who have been sentenced for minor crimes are able to substitute a prison sentence for unpaid community service" (para 22).
Oct. 4, 2023, 6:58 a.m.
Countries: Angola

"[T]he State party does not avail itself fully of the contributions of non-governmental organizations to the advancement of women and social and economic development" (6).
Sept. 25, 2023, 10:51 a.m.
Countries: Turkmenistan

"[F]ounder and editor of, the only website with credible public health information in the Turkmen language, my colleagues and I have been calling for nuanced and informed conversations by educating the public and advocating for science-based best practices in public health in Turkmenistan" (para.4). "Saglyk has created a safe space to anonymously share stories of domestic violence, abuse and harassment. Our Bilim app helps women and girls track their periods and learn about their health and rights (Bilim means both period and knowledge). " (para.15).
Sept. 25, 2023, 8:02 a.m.
Countries: Guyana

"A number of domestic human rights groups generally operated without government restriction, investigating and publishing their findings on human rights cases. These groups at times complained government officials were uncooperative and unresponsive to their requests and stated that when officials responded, it was generally to criticize the groups rather than to investigate allegations" (8).
Sept. 22, 2023, 8:51 a.m.
Countries: Angola

"Extensive delays in the NGO registration process continued to be a problem; however, NGOs that had not yet received registration were allowed to operate. The government at times arbitrarily restricted the activities of associations it considered subversive by refusing to grant permits for projects and other activities" (11). "The government generally cooperated with UNHCR, the World Food Program, and NGOs to protect and assist refugees" (13). "[M]any NGOs reported they were forced to limit the scope of their work because they faced problems registering, were subject to subtle forms of intimidation, and risked more serious forms of harassment and closure" (18).
Sept. 7, 2023, 12:33 p.m.
Countries: Lebanon

"It has become more expensive to make a phone call since July, as government-owned telecoms companies set higher rates to deal with the cost of fuel to run their generators. This makes reaching out to a helpline even more difficult, [Mohammad] Mansour [deputy director of the Resource Center for Gender Equality] said. 'Due to the economic situation, people are letting go of their phones. So now, for the whole household there is just one phone, usually [owned] by the husband, or the man, the father, [making] it hard for contact us.' In July the NGO Mercy Corps said the hike in telecoms prices were preventing people in need from...more
Aug. 15, 2023, 5:22 p.m.
Countries: Bahamas

"The government generally cooperated with UNHCR and other humanitarian organizations in providing protection and assistance to internally displaced persons, refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons, and other persons of concern" (8). "A number of international and domestic human rights organizations operated without government restriction, investigating and publishing their findings on human rights cases. Government officials were generally cooperative and responsive to their views" (11-12).
Aug. 8, 2023, 8:30 p.m.
Countries: Bulgaria

"[T]he activities of some non-governmental organizations and the suspension or closure of several such organizations that work for women’s rights and gender equality [are restricted]... [The state does not] financially support civil society organizations that provide assistance to women facing discrimination, gender-based violence and the violation of their rights, while ensuring that the State party retains the primary responsibility for providing those women with protection, rehabilitation, reintegration and other relevant services" (4). This indicates a weak collaboration with the government (MV-coder comment).
July 25, 2023, 10:44 a.m.
Countries: Cambodia

"Representatives of civil society, including women’s rights organizations, have not been fully involved in the process of formulating the first national gender policy" (5). This is a relationship that may not be very cooperative (MV- coder comment). "[A] decision adopted in September 2019, [delegated] civil society organizations [to] lead and coordinate the efforts to draft a law to establish a national human rights institution... [A]lthough civil society organizations have already been engaged in drafting such a law, their proposals have reportedly not been taken into account, and that no progress has been made to establish an independent national human rights institution in the State party" (5).
July 21, 2023, 11:58 a.m.
Countries: Azerbaijan

"During the years of 2016–2018, the Council of State Support to NGOs under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan has provided AZN 564,500 (332 thousand $) to the project proposals of 66 NGOs.... The main topics of the projects are following: combating GBV, preventing schools drop outs, early marriage, equal rights and duties in family life, empowerment of women, women leadership" (3). "In 2016–2018, the State Council for the Support of NGOs under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan has printed 26 booklets, 3 guidebooks and 40 other materials reflecting the legislation on the women’s rights and other legislative acts in this sphere" (4). "Currently, many organizations run...more
July 21, 2023, 9:56 a.m.
Countries: Azerbaijan

“Dozens of NGO projects are funded by the State Council for the Support of NGOs under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to support the integration of women victims of domestic violence, women with disabilities, women of vulnerable strata, ensure their social activeness, reveal and develop their creative skills and knowledge and making them as equal and active part of the society to help them realize their potential” (10). "During the years of 2013–2018, 10 non-governmental assistance centers have passed the accreditation at the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population. 6 of these centers are in Baku, 3 – in Ganja, and 1 center is located in...more
July 10, 2023, 9:26 p.m.
Countries: Maldives

"With the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services (MOGFSS) has taken the reporting obligations under the CEDAW as an opportunity to do a stock-taking on the overall advances to achieving gender equality in the country, and to deepen on-going dialogue with key line Ministries and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in this regard. The MOGFSS established an inter-ministerial technical-level CEDAW Sectoral Committee in December 2018 to support the drafting and review of the 6th Periodic Report. Over a two-month period, the MOGFSS coordinated written feedback from all relevant government agencies on CEDAW implementation and...more
June 27, 2023, 11:16 p.m.
Countries: Algeria

"Local and international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) asserted that police impunity was a problem" (3). NGOs require official authorization to operate within the state. However, the application process is lengthy, and permissions are not easily given by the state to operate even for NGOs related to women issues (MV-coder comment). "The government generally cooperated with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organizations in providing protection and assistance to refugees, asylum seekers, and other persons of concern" (18).
June 27, 2023, 11:13 p.m.
Countries: Algeria

"NGOs reported that the government threatened hotel and restaurant owners with penalties if they rented rooms to NGOs without official authorization. In most cases, the NGOs continued to hold their meetings and police came to the hotels to end the gatherings. In July, the Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights (LADDH) and 15 representatives from other NGOs gathered at a hotel in Oran to discuss migration" (16).
June 20, 2023, 9:30 p.m.
Countries: Nicaragua

"The Ministry of Women’s Affairs, the Ministry of the Family, the Office of the Special Advocate for Women and other State bodies and civil society organizations have published the full text of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the national plan for the prevention of domestic and sexual violence, among other relevant texts." (5). "The National Coalition against Trafficking in Persons is composed of the ministers or experts in the field as designated by the following institutions: 1. Ministry of the Interior, which...more
April 28, 2023, 9:47 p.m.
Countries: Tanzania

"[Tanzania Ending Child Marriage Network] worked closely with parliamentarians and in particular with the four key Parliamentary Committees relevant to the amendment of the Law of Marriage Act. These in particular include the Tanzania Women Parliamentary Group (TWPG) and the Parliamentary Committee on Constitution and Legal Affairs, Social Service and Community Development" (14).
April 1, 2023, 9:26 p.m.
Countries: Uzbekistan

"As part of the implementation of these programmes, socially significant laws regulating the rights and freedoms of citizens have been adopted: in 2016, the Acts adopted included the following:...the Social Services for Older Persons, Persons with Disabilities and Other Vulnerable Social Groups Act of 26 December 2016..." (3)(NF - CODER COMMENT - This law pushes that all those who are needy are not only the government's responsibility, but also NGOs and business entities. Thus, all sectors should work together in order to provide for these people). "Considerable attention has been paid to the development of civil society institutions and their active participation in public management and oversight of government agencies...more
March 31, 2023, 2:31 p.m.
Countries: Egypt

"[The state is recommended to develop] an anti-discrimination commission in line with article 53 of the Constitution and ensure the effective participation of women’s civil society organizations, particularly those representing women in rural and remote areas and those belonging to disadvantaged and marginalized groups" (4). "[There are concerns about] ongoing efforts to develop future action plans with the effective participation of women’s civil society organizations" (7).
March 18, 2023, 10:20 p.m.
Countries: Ethiopia

"[T]he Ministry and various other government and non-government institutions carry out community mobilization targeting creation of gender friendly social norms and attitudes within the communities" (8). "[T]he government has laid down the necessary framework to encourage women to form associations, trade unions, professional associations and other unions" (12-13). "As to the associations that are registered by the Charities and societies agency, at the time this report is prepared there are 107 Ethiopian charities, 2115 Ethiopian resident charities, 333 Ethiopian societies, 89 Ethiopian charitable societies, 371 foreign charities, and 53 consortiums in Ethiopia. [T]he [charities] that work on issues of socio economic relevance address the needs of women in their undertaking"...more
March 16, 2023, 3:32 a.m.
Countries: Bulgaria

“Several lawyers and judges dealing with commercial cases appear to be increasingly concerned about the use of women as “figureheads” in the management of private companies. Sometimes such women do not possess decision-making powers, but serve to shield their husband, relative or friend in the event of bankruptcy. These women are held solely responsible for the activities for the commercial companies before the court and creditors. The Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation (BGRF) and Women, Law and Development International have noted that women in Bulgaria are not generally aware of their social and labour rights, and are even less aware of various commercial provisions. The example given above, as well as...more
March 15, 2023, 4:58 a.m.
Countries: Bulgaria

“The Gender Project for Bulgaria Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, started in 1994 by four women activist-professionals. The organization’s main goals include: raising gender awareness; combating women’s human rights violations, including domestic violence; highlighting women’s rights as human rights; and promoting women’s participation in business and politics in order to encourage their economic independence. In order to achieve these goals, GPF’s three main fields of activity are in women’s economic discrimination; women’s rights and violence against women; and gender education in schools” (57). “Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation was founded in Sofia in 1998. The BGRF is an independent non-governmental organization that promotes social equality and women’s human rights in...more